Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hosted by the Town of Tiburon

Ristorante Servino, 9 Main Street

Tiburon, CA 94920


6:00 PM          Social Hour


7:00 PM          Business Meeting & Dinner


            1.         Call to Order:  President Jeff Slavitz


            2.         Welcome and Introduction of Guests:  Tiburon Vice Mayor Jeff Slavitz


            3.         Approval of MinutesApril 28, 2010 Meeting


            4.         Committee Reports (please limit your report to three minutes):

·         SMART (Joan Lundstrom)

·         Transportation Authority of Marin (Alice Fredericks)

·         League of California Cities (Charles Dalldorf)


            5.         Other reports (five minutes)

·         Transportation Authority of Marin—consideration of ballot initiative to fund transportation programs and projects (Executive Director Dianne Steinhauser)


            6.         Committee Appointments - LAFCO

                        (One four-year term commencing June 1, 2010)

·         Letter received from Jeff Slavitz, incumbent

·         Nominations from the floor


            7.         Announcement of pending Committee Vacancies - ABAG

                        (appointments to be made at June meeting)


·         June 2010 term expirations--Carole Dillon-Knutson, delegate;

      Shawn Marshall, alternate)


8.         Call for Nominations on the Executive Committee

                        (appointments to be made at June meeting)


·         MCCMC President for the 2010-11 term; position currently held by Jeff Slavitz, Tiburon Council member


·         MCCMC Vice President for the 2010-11 term; position currently held by Shawn Marshall, Mill Valley Council member


9.         2010-11 Meeting Calendar:  Review and Approval

            10.       Information Items

·         Letter from ABAG regarding Board vacancies

·         Letter from Fairfax Council concerning PG&E Smart Meters


            11.       Public Comment (two minutes per person)



7:45 PM          Speaker:   Dick Spotswood, Political Analyst, Marin Independent Journal

                        Program:  “California State Government: Time for a new Revolution”



8:30 PM          ADJOURN:  to next meeting hosted by the City of Belvedere



Upcoming Meetings:   Wednesday, June 23 at the San Francisco Yacht Club, Belvedere

                                    (agenda items to [email protected]) by June 15)


                                    No meeting in July or August


                                    New Meeting Year:

                                    Wednesday, September 22 (hosted by the Town of Corte Madera)